
Here to help you

Always here to answer your questions.

Terms & Conditions

General dispositions

www.berscleaning.ro/en, it is owned and managed by the company Building Facility Solutions, with the following identification data: Unique Registration Code RO35763285, registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/3365/2016, with registered capital of 1000 lei and headquartered in Street Burniței nr. 24, Sector 3, Bucharest, Romania. Tel: 0732 748 101; E-mail: office@bers.ro

Browsing the site www.berscleaning.ro/en equates command followed by reading, understanding and acceptance of the terms below by any client.

Building Facility Solutions reserves the right to change and update at any moment this site and the terms and conditions of use without any notice.

In the case of conflict or disagreement between Building Facility Solutions and Client will apply terms and conditions available at time of order.

Information provided by Building Facility Solutions are used for the purpose for which they were entered (placing orders) and Subsequent briefings required under applicable law.

Building Facility Solutions reserves the right to select their customers or to refuse customers who have refused deliveries in order history.

Building Facility Solutions does not guarantee availability of the displayed products in stock.

Maximum amount of obligations www.berscleaning.ro/en to any customer in case of failure or improper delivery of products purchased is the amount received Building Facility Solutions from the customer.

Www.berscleaning.ro/en pay the ordered products. in RON is performed (at the official rate of Banca Transilvania from the moment the order is placed).

Products sold through www.berscleaning.ro/en are new, and at the time of delivery are accompanied by invoice and warranty (if applicable).


User – any person who visits the site www.berscleaning.ro/en.

Client-natural / legal entity that performs a command.

Products and Services of any product or service mentioned in the Order, which will be supplied by the Seller, the Customer.

Order – an electronic document that comes as a form of communication between Seller and Customer through the Customer expresses intent to purchase certain products and services and make them pay.

Seller – Building Facility Solutions, with the following identification data: Unique Registration Code RO35763285, registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/3365/2016, with registered capital of 1000 lei and headquartered in Street Burniței nr. 24, Sector 3, Bucharest, Romania. Tel.: 0732 748 101; E-mail: office@bers.ro

Contract – an Order confirmed by the Seller, whereby the Seller agrees to sell and deliver products and services and customer agrees to purchase, receive and make payment of such Products and Services.

Courier – any public or private person performing courier services.

Intellectual property rights

Www.berscleaning.roc content: images, text, graphics, scripts, software, design rights, trademarks, is fully owned by Building Facility Solutions and its suppliers and is protected by the Law on copyright and related rights and intellectual and industrial property laws. Use without the Building Facility Solutions to any items listed above is punishable by law.

Exclusion of liability

Building Facility Solutions does not guarantee that the site, servers that hosts or emails from Building Facility Solutions are no viruses or other computer components nature potentially harmful, it does not contain errors, omissions, failures, delays or interruptions in operation or transmission, line failures or any other similar factors. The user uses the site at his own risk, Building Facility Solutions being free from any liability for any direct or indirect damages caused by using or accessing / visiting the site or using the information on the site.

Building Facility Solutions reserves the right to cancel orders for products and services displayed on the site due to technical error, or due to technical errors shows prices obviously erroneous / derisory products (prices that may consider erroneous / derisory any buyer with an average level of training).

Your request

Write us your needs and desires, and we will try to satisfy them with product and services of the highest quality.

Request offer

Your request

Write us your needs and desires, and we will try to satisfy them with product and services of the highest quality.